What languages do the Nubians speak?

In Egypt and the Sudan, the language of the Nubians is colloquially called: Rutana. Its Arabic meaning is “to speak unintelligibly”. This derogative term is sometimes even used by the Nubians themselves. The Nubians in the Nile Valley speak three languages: Kunuuzi...

Who are the Nubians?

The Nubians are an ethnic minority which occupies the Nile Valley between the first and fourth cataract. That is why they are also called Nile Nubians. In their ethnicity they are different from the many people groups of the Nuba Mountains in western Sudan. They are...

Where is Nubia?

Geographically, the Nubian region can be called the corridor to Africa, linking sub-Saharan Africa and Egypt. As a narrow ribbon of the fertile Nile-Valley it stretches between the first cataract at Aswan and the fourth cataract near al-Debba. The more than 900 km...